Using Machine Learning for Wildlife Conservation

An unexpected beginning…#

I joined this project with the expectation of being a student and wanting to learn more about Data Science. However, one of the two team leads had to drop out with a spot opening up. I wanted to challenge myself by being not only accountable for my own learning, but also the team member’s collective growth. Looking back, it’s safe to say it was one of the best decisions I made, even though I was wildly unprepared to take on this challenge.

Building a team and growing together#

At the beginning of the project, all of the students involved had little to no programming experience, let alone Machine Learning. I was however fortunate enough to have a really inquisitive and driven set of students whose constant thirst for knowledge kept me on my toes to try and plan out the roadmap for the project as clearly as I could with my other co-lead. At the end was a product that not only we, but also John Deere, PQF and The Data Mine were proud of!